coaching for self-driven success

Discover the magic of working with Blue Tree

My coaching methodology helps you feel more purpose and contentment in your life. Together we’ll set goals that are aligned with your unique vision. We’ll make plans to move towards them quickly and confidently. Let’s create a life where you feel content and fulfilled when your head hits the pillow at night.

Real coaching for tangible results.

My clients are already killing it in various parts of their lives. I work with CEOs and other C-suite executives, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, professionals from various industries, creatives, and all kinds of high performers.

They come to me because they recognize that despite their accomplishments, there’s more they desire. A greater sense of purpose, of ease, of skillful navigation through life and work. That’s what we dial into and create with coaching.

Blue Tree Coaching

The Self-Driven Success Vision

As high-achieving humans, we need to learn how to generate our own personal formula for success. That’s exactly what we do in coaching.

Perhaps you’re tired of feeling like you’re on autopilot or like life is just happening to you. Let’s create a clear path forward so you can have the sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing that what you do matters

The Bring it to Life Blueprint

Taking theory and putting it into practice is the key to moving forward in life and work. 

You need a tangible action plan to bring your vision to life. But not just any action plan – one that actually moves the ball forward in a way that both makes measurable progress and feels good. You know it’s not worth just getting stuff done for the sake of your goals – it’s got to fit into your overall life and feel aligned.

The Momentum Mindset

You want to create lasting change quickly, which means you’re in it for the long haul. This is why we focus not only on reaching milestones quickly, but sustaining that growth by avoiding the mental pitfalls that accompany the growth process: fear, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, confusion, and indecision. With my Innovative Inner Trial methodology, you’ll be the best lawyer around as you make the proverbial case for yourself.

This is what will drive your success, as research tells us that if you believe it, you can achieve it.

Are you ready for your next level?

I know what it’s like to have the trappings of success and still not feel purposeful, engaged or aligned. Or to simply know there’s more, without knowing exactly what or how to access it. That’s what brought me to coaching, via a prestigious law career, successful entrepreneurship, and mindfulness and philosophy. I’m slightly obsessed with questions of what gives us meaning and a sense that we’re in the driver’s seat of our days. I’ve found answers, and I’m eager to share them in a way that best aligns with your dreams and visions. Does any of this sound familiar?

You’re ready to find and refine your next professional level.

You’ve got so many balls to juggle and you know there’s a more skillful way.

You’re ready to go all in on your entrepreneurial dreams.

You’ve got a passion or a skill and you’re ready to bring it life with a service-based business.

"What we believe is what we achieve."

Logo: Blue Tree Coaching Est. 2019
"I had an exceptional experience working with Sindy and appreciate her balanced approach"
...lending a kind and sensitive presence while encouraging action at every turn. I would highly recommend her services.
"Working with Sindy has been a game changer for me and my business."
Her insightful questions have led me to new revelations about myself and how I'm thinking. This in turn has grown my positivity and outlook to one that allows me to accomplish my goals.
"I appreciate the fact that Sindy patiently listened & genuinely cared about my challenges."
She coached me through both business (side gig) and personal matters depending on which topic had highest priority at the time. Sindy's kindness, understanding, patience & compassion are genuine and helped me feel safe during our coaching sessions.
"She has the ability to get to the root of the issue and make a plan."
Sindy is simply lovely and super relatable. She is able to tackle the difficult stuff with compassion and intellect. She has the ability to get to the root of the issue and make a plan. She is open and honest and I am left feeling more positive and confident. Thank you Sindy!
"Sindy offers clarity and fosters courage to set goals, to fall forward, and to grow into the person I wish to become five years from now."
To change careers can be beyond intimidating. To pivot on my path during a global pandemic feels terrifying with so many changes in the world. However, Sindy offers clarity and fosters courage to set goals, to fall forward, and to grow into the person I wish to become five years from now. By taking action in alignment with my values, I move forward each day with purpose.
"Working with Sindy is a highlight in our week."
The uninterrupted time to think about our business in a productive way with someone guiding us to success is invaluable. Sindy is an amazing investment!
"My experience with Sindy has been amazing and even in just five sessions I feel much more in control and empowered in the things I have been dealing with."
It’s been so beneficial to analyze my relationship patterns and really deep dive into my thoughts and feelings as well. It has honestly been more productive than any therapist I have had, so I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to participate in coaching.

What does coaching with BTC look like?

Our coaching is completely customized to fit your life and needs.

Together we’ll map out your goals, create a plan to bring them to life, and navigate whatever gets in the way.

If you’re in, I’m all in. That’s simply how I roll. This is high-end, concierge-style coaching. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a life coach?

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A life coach is a trained professional who serves as a motivation/accountability/growth partner in any area of your life. Life coaching draws from positive psychology and philosophy on how to live a fulfilled, meaningful life.

What kinds of results have your clients seen?

Because I work with clients on all areas of their lives, my coaching has facilitated a diverse array of powerful results. Some examples include: starting and growing side hustles, elevating leadership skills and executive presence, making more money, creating real work-life balance, navigating professional pivots, improving health and wellness, gaining clarity on important relationships, growing self-confidence, navigating parenting and other relationship challenges, discovering life purpose, overcoming stress and overwhelm, and getting more done in less time.

How is a life coach different from a therapist?

Therapists are trained to diagnose and treat mental problems. Life coaches are trained to help clients move forward in life. While life coaching addresses relevant parts of clients’ pasts as it is a “whole client” approach, it is more focused on present and future action.

Do you only take local clients?

No, most of my clients are in different parts of the country, and some are international.

Do you do one-off sessions?

Only on occasion. I have found that life coaching has the greatest impact and achieves maximum results when we’re able to get to know each other over an extended period of time.

Does insurance cover life coaching?

At this time, insurance does not cover life coaching. But I believe after your first session with me, you will understand the value of investing yourself in this way.


Coaching for your next level.

There’s a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and alignment just waiting for you. The question is, what are you waiting for?

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